Welcome to Brandeis Conejo Valley/San Fernando Valley Chapter

  "National Chapter of the Year" 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2019 and Louis Brandeis Award 2018

Last Updated: June 10th, 2024

The Conejo Valley Chapter is now
Conejo Valley/San Fernando Valley Chapter


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Board installation took place on June 6, 2023 at Temple Etz Chaim

Welcome New Board!

Message from your co - Presidents:

Welcome to Conejo Valley/San Fernando Valley Chapter!

Dear Chapter Members,

Indeed, you must agree, change is inevitable! As we bend and adapt to current situations, we are given outstanding positive opportunities.

Last Spring, our Board was approached by several outgoing Board members from the San Fernando Valley Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee (BNC). They expressed a desire to merge with our chapter. While their chapter has several hundred members, with many active study groups, there was no one to take on the leadership roles necessary to continue.

Their chapter was chartered in 1952, and, losing it altogether would be tragic. After consulting with the administration of the BNC, we proposed this chapter integration to our Board members and it was approved that we move ahead with the process.

The San Fernando Valley Chapter members will now be part of us, and their study groups will continue.

Winter is upon us! This is the perfect time to add extra light into your life by joining a new Study Group, participate in our Special Events and Social Action opportunities.

Information on all we have to offer is available on this web site www.BrandeisConejo.org. We are proud of everything we provide our members.

We continue to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Brandeis University. Founded on the ideals of inclusion truth and justice, these values are significantly important in today's world. Our Global Service Initiative of collectively completing 75,000 acts of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) have taken on new meaning.

Camaraderie, learning opportunities and excellent fun are what we offer as we lend our support to Brandeis University. A warm welcome is extended to you to join us in our endeavors.

Penny Greenblatt co-president (click here to send email directly to Penny) penny935@aol.com
Janet Brasler co-president (click here to send email directly to Janet) Jbrazlips@gmail.com

(click here to learn more!) https://www.brandeis.edu/75/

Global Service Initiative

Celebrate Brandeis at 75 by making a difference in your community.
To celebrate Brandeis at 75, all are invited to take part in a community challenge, designed to make a positive mark on the world. Sign up for the acts of community engagement you'll complete during our anniversary year ending June 2024 and help repair the world.

Here's how to get involved.

The Community Challenge

75,000 Acts of Repairing the World in the 75th year!
For 75 years, Brandeis has been cultivating students to leave our campus and to change the world. Brandeisians have impacted the local and global landscape since 1948. We have prepared students to identify the unjust, speak up for change and to DO the work. This year we are asking you to track your impact and to share it with us. Help us show how Brandeis is repairing the world. We are challenging our community to perform a combined 75,000 acts of repairing the world throughout the year. To get involved, visit our directory of engagement opportunities. Or, if you already regularly engage with your community, tell us about it. We want to show the amazing impact Brandeisians have, all around the world. Pledge your act of community engagement and help us track these amazing efforts!

Important: Please include every event you participated in (as an individual or as part of a group/organization) since July 2023 in which they donated time to an organization that helps repair the world in some way. Please send info on these types of events through the end of June 2024. If it's a group participation event, only one person from the group needs to send the info.

Here is a list of the info Brandeis is looking for:
1) Description of activity and the date
2) Length of activity (# of hours)
3) Number of people involved (can include highlighting the number of BNC affiliated people)
4) Organization sponsoring the activity/organization the group of volunteers donating their time is supporting
5) If activity includes collecting items, the number of items (or bags, if the items are in bags) donated
6) Total hours donated by the volunteer/volunteers

If the volunteer can share photos of the event, that's always appreciated. If there are people in the photo, they can include their names (with their permission).

Brandeis doen not requires ALL this info in order for it to "count" toward their goal of 75,000 acts of "TIKUN OLAM" (Hebrew — tikkun olam means "world repair"), but the more information provided about the event, the better. Definitely a description of the activity, the number of people involved, and the hours should be included at a minimum.

Our chapter coordinator for this Global Service Initiative is Beth Doshay (email: mspsy2kids@aol.com)

Please email Beth Doshay the information, and attach photos. She will then forward the info on to Brandeis National.

Renew Your Membership Online
It's quick and easy!

Click here, complete the form, pay and you're done.

The Legacy of Louis: Inspiring Inquiry
The Brandeis National Committee is proud to announce its newest campaign, The Legacy of Louis: Inspiring Inquiry, as the university nears its milestone 75th anniversary in 2023.

The Legacy of Louis: Inspiring Inquiry will reinvigorate the Brandeis Library's mission to empower its community to become scholars, creators, and innovators through the creation of two interactive additions to the Library. The first will be the construction of a research archive of original letters, photographs, documents and family objects that shed light on the life and the lasting contributions of Justice Louis D. Brandeis.

The second addition to the Brandeis Library will be the creation of a new Judaica reading room in the library. This space will provide the Brandeis community with a place to engage with Jewish texts outside of the typical classroom and religious environments. By presenting Jewish texts in conversation with writings from cultural and religious traditions from around the world, the room will serve scholars and students alike.

In 1948, the BNC (formerly BUNWC) was founded alongside the university to provide philanthropic support and now nearly 75 years later, continues to support the mission and principles upon which Brandeis was founded.

We look forward to sharing more information and learning opportunities for the Legacy of Louis: Inspiring Inquiry soon!

BNC Launching the BNC Online Chapter!

It's beginning of 2022 and Brandeis National Committee launching the BNC Online Chapter!

The Brandeis National Committee Online Chapter is both its own chapter and an extension of the inclusive virtual community that was created by active chapters and members from all over the world. In this way, the Online Chapter is a unique experience for new members and an added benefit to current members of the Brandeis National Committee.

The virtual community that has been fostered by chapters and members of the Brandeis National Committee since 2020 has kept us all together during a very challenging time and it is our hope that the Online Chapter will continue to foster connectivity between BNC members and chapters around the world.

If you would like to know more about the BNC Online Chapter, CLICK HERE!

Merle Carrus P'12
BNC President

Introducing the Jewish Experience

Today, as we prepare to welcome the beginning of the Jewish New Year, I am delighted to announce the launch of the Jewish Experience, Brandeis' new website and multimedia platform dedicated to exploring Jewish history, culture, and traditions. It features exciting faculty research, alumni profiles, and thoughtful examinations of questions of identity and community relevant to Jews — or anyone interested in Jewish issues.

Brandeis is distinct from all other colleges and universities. Envisioned as a 'gift from the Jewish community to higher education,' it was founded as a symbol of freedom and opportunity to all academically-qualified individuals, no matter their background. At a time when Jews were prevented from attending the leading colleges and universities in the United States, the vision that underpinned our founding was radical. Engaging and honoring this founding ethos is an integral part of the Framework for the Future. As part of this endeavor, the Jewish Experience seeks to illuminate the great wealth of scholarship and knowledge about Jewish issues and Judaism - in all its diversity and richness - on campus and beyond...


Ron Liebowitz

To renew your Membership: CLICK HERE, and you can renew easily, on line.

Contact Barbara Peifer for Tributes (email directly) barbsgr88@aol.com.